Administration help

Administration helper programms (mostly in  German only):

Beck online: provides access to academic books, textbooks, non-fiction and fiction in a variety of fields, from business and law to history and philosophy.


Wolters Kluwer Online (formerly: Lexis Nexis German Law, Jurion Recht):  Judgements and court decisions, legal norms on EU, national and federal law, commentaries, electronic journals (e.g. Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt), form books and working materials on German case law

Vergabeportal Reguvis, Bundsanzeiger: Decisions and standards, literature, trade journals, procurement practice

Juris das Rechtsportal juris Spectrum is a research tool for the entire spectrum of legal information on the Federal Republic of Germany. The resource includes German case law, federal and state laws, implementing legislation, administrative directives, employment contracts, literature/facts, selected journals in full text and press releases.

Wiso Net :Access to newspapers (Zeit, FAZ, TLZ ...), business and finance magazines

EconBiz  specialised economic information

EconLit (Ebsco) Journals, Books Economy,Finance.

ReNa: Resource navigator of the MPDL with links to book collections, databases, reference works ... e.g. access to  F.A.Z

O’Reilly: Access to Books, courses, case studies ...

Heise + : Zugriff auf Magazine wie C’T, IX, MAc+I ...

Interested in Workingoffice or the legal handbook for women's and equal opportunities officers Please contact the library

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